Thursday, April 2, 2015

Remote-Keyless-Entry System Engineer ‹ Japan Guide - 2015

急募!! 貴方の国際性と技術力をフルに発揮出来るチャンスです!!!  留学経験のある方! もっと世界に羽ばたける機会をお探しの方!  貴方の語学力・技術力・国際的なビジネススキルが活かせる職場です! 自動車ボデー制御部品の電波工学設計開発業務及びヨーロッパと北米自動車メーカーへのRF engineeringのお仕事です。   電気、電子、情報工学系の方、又 メカーエレクトロニクスの技術開発の能力を伸ばしたい方是非ご応募下さい!!  

新卒者の方・経験者の方もどんどんご応募下さい!!  YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR GOAL!


Job Purpose:

Establishes RF communications systems by determining radio environment; identifying, evaluating, and developing sites; developing and implementing radio frequency (RF) designs; verifying and optimizing performance.


* Determines radio environment by preparing base maps; identifying and analyzing propagation environment; collecting and studying terrain, roads, and demographics data; evaluating similar systems; identifying and establishing performance and quality standards.

* Develops RF engineering design project by developing project concepts and objectives including demand criteria, coverage, and number of channels; preparing a project plan, including required resources, development timetables, cost estimates, link budgets, etc.; identifying short-term and long-range issues; qualifying contractors and vendors.

* Identifies sites by preparing site coverage studies; producing “search ring” maps; visiting potential sites; validating measurement data, including location, radiation center above ground, antenna placement, and line of sight conditions; evaluating signal propagation environment; defining leasing, zoning, and construction issues.

* Designs and constructs RF systems by researching, analyzing, selecting, and applying RF engineering techniques and criteria; adapting and modifying RF engineering approaches and options; developing and evaluating new RF engineering approaches; preparing maps and schematics; configuring the system; characterizing the path loss; calibrating the signal propagation model; developing a network simulation including traffic and loading analysis; completing code division multiple access (CDMA) including assignment of pseudo-noise (PN) short-code offsets; selecting and approving equipment; supervising installation of equipment and construction by contractors; preparing site acquisition request forms (SCARs); analyzing potential obstruction to air navigation, including obtaining Determination of No Hazard from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); determining and establishing RF engineering design specifications and safety standards.

* Verifies RF performance by completing drive test studies; analyzing drive test data; updating and optimizing the propagation model; applying figures from link budgets; identifying interference areas; changing system configuration and hardware/software parameters.

* Documents RF design by recording engineering design features, functions, and operational requirements; specifying operational training; detailing safety requirements; preparing Federal Communications Commission (FCC) filings and notifications.

* Maintains engineering design team accomplishments by coordinating actions; reviewing open issues and action items; contributing information and engineering analysis to team meetings and reports.

* Improves RF design by reducing interference; optimizing network performance; evaluating switch data and expansion of coverage; planning capacity.

* Prepares engineering reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and trends.

* Updates job knowledge by tracking and understanding emerging RF engineering technologies and practices; participating in educational opportunities and professional organizations; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks.

* Enhances engineering and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.


Satellite Communications, Telecommunications Systems Engineering, Telecommunications Technologies, Attention to Detail, Thoroughness, Independence, Analyzing Information , General Math Skills, Process Improvement, Documentation Skills, Innovation

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